dimarts, 31 de març del 2009

GARO Fanfic – Garo’s Secret (Chap. 2)

“What did happen, Zaruba?”

“An unusual thing,” the talking ring replied. “Four horrors attacked us together”.


“And, truly, they weren’t weak. I had no a chance to comment it with Kouga”.

“What must be able to gather such selfish beings as horrors are!”

“There is something else” Zaruba went on. ”He had almost finished when four horrors else appeared. The frame time was almost exhausted, so I advised him to flee from them. But they followed us very close and reached us. If those fourteen men who returned to drink didn’t ...”

Jabi sighed by the urgent and delicate task awaiting her. Injuries caused by horrors were not just physical, but they went deep into the etheric level, which turned difficult the healing process. Kouga’s main channels of energy had been interrupted, and destroyed most of the major plexa. If she did not act quickly she would not be in time.

* * *

She had to admit it: despite her logical resistence, Kaoru obeyed her. It looked as Gonza had explained the rudiments of the thought dynamics, and although she probably did not believe it, at least she was respectful to who did. She waited for the priestess outside the room and wondered how Kouga was. Jabi let her to enter once a day advising her, once again, to restrain her fear.

“How can I control it” Kaoru complained “if you don’t tell me if he gets better or not?”

She had spent three days trying, and it seemed to do fine, but there were too many things that could fail. Until she could re-establish the main flows of energy, Jabi will not know if he could be saved. As the link between Kouga and Kaoru was so intense, and it was established on negative emotions, she could do fewer else than focussing the energy needed by him. Something must be done. Tell the truth to her. Plain truth.

“Look, Kaoru, everything don’t depends of your thoughts, but you should consider that you can’t help here, that everything is in the hands of fate, and of other people. That makes no sense to worry so much. What will happen, will happen. If you put more load on it, bad things will come quicker, and good ones will be delayed. It's simple. Although, it may be a chance of saving him, but because of the delay... you understand me, right?”.

With great difficulty Kaoru listened Jabi’s advises about taking up again her normal activities, and they would help to control her thoughts. She left the room, angry to the priestess, to destiny, and to herself. She closed the door of her old bedroom (now, her painting room) where she slept again at Jabi’s request, and cried until she became exhausted.

* * *

Jabi was doing the possible to make to work the main energy leads, although she knew that her patient was alive only because she had opened a direct passage to the energetic dimension, as in a hospital he was plug to a machine to keep him alive. It was a desperate measure. The powerful flow coming into may force a re-channeling because she had already rebuilt the vital plexa that had to work, but also could overload them.

In addition, she should continuously monitor his physical injuries, which did not react well to treatment because the mess had transformed into chaos both the nervous and endocrine systems, which were veryt complex in people trained and initiated acording the Makai disciplines.

When finally Jabi had assured Kouga’s life, recovery was quick. Then she could spend some time to study carefully a rare and intense brightness in different shades of salmon color that was detected in his aura.

"Impossible!" she whispered speechless as beginning to discern what it meant.

She sank her hand in that area of aura over and between the heart and solar plexa.

"Of course he can!" she went on talking to herself. "I do not know why I am surprised".

Of course she knew. They can say it to you, but seeing it yourself is a very different affair. She looked at her unconscious friend with admiration.

"Garo" she whispered again, and let him to rest.

As leaving the chamber Kaoru, who had been waiting outside, entered.

"How is him today?"

"He is getting better and better. I think he is going to wake up before an entiere day".

The younger one’s face brighted in joy. Since Jabi said that Kouga would be saved and she could spend more time with him, Kaoru showed herself more receptive to the outsider’s dictatorship. She took one of Jabi’s hands and hold it between hers in silent gratitude. Afterwards she sat at the bed, took up his hand, leading it to her lips and kissed it, deeply touched.

Jabi looked at her half surprised and half with envy. Although she had not been able to do anything, Kaoru had insisted to be allowed stay into the chamber, once and again, until the other woman had recommended her abount spending her time in her things, so desperate she looked. Paying attention to her drawing courses in a school, and to her paintings, had appeased her. Her stuborness surprised Jabi, who felt envyous because she had achieved Kouga’s heart.

He and Jabi had remained too many years without any contact, it was obvious that the feeling they shared when they passed the first Makai initiation (after which their destinies parted) could not florish. But, she was sure, if they had been able to keep it, Kouga should not become such a surly one. She had not lost the ability to make him talk, and knew that every time she did it he recalled the camaraderie and affection they shared so much time ago. So, she also knows that Kouga’s heart is ardent and intense, though closed and distant. If occasionally something of light or heat fleed through the ice, it revealed a great power behind it. Closed and distant, but constant and reliable as a well kept fire. A hidden diamond to those who have enough patience (and skills) to dig it.

Kaoru has done it. He never interfered with other people’s affairs, had not been a personified generosity; althoug since he is with her, he is ready to do everything for everyone who he cares only slightly, as a door had opened suddenly. Kouga always expresses himself through his actions, and each one carries his whole self. Pure fire.

diumenge, 29 de març del 2009

GARO Fanfic – El secret de Garo (Cap. 2)

– Què ha passat, Zaruba?

– Un fet inusual –respongué l’anell parlant.– Quatre horrors van atacar-nos plegtats.

– Has dit “plegats”?

– I no eren del dèbils, precisament. No vaig tenir oportunitat de comentar-ho amb en Koga.

– Què deu poder ajuntar uns éssers tan egoïstes com els horrors?

– Això no és tot –continuà en Zaruba.– Gairebé els havíem acabat quan n’aparegueren quatre més. El temps de l’armadura ja s’havia esgotat, així que li vaig aconsellar que fugís. Però els altres quatre ens van estalonar i atrapar. Si no hagués estat per aquells catorze homes que tornaven de beure...

La Jabi sospirà davant de la urgent i delicada feina que li esperava. Les lesions provocades pels horrors mai no eren només físiques, s’endinsaven en el nivell etèric, complicant molt el procés de curació. Els principals canals energètics d’en Koga s’havien interromput, i destruït bona part dels plexes més importants. Si no actuava de pressa no hi seria a temps.

* * *

Ho havia d’admetre: malgrat la seva lògica resistència, la Kaoru l’obeïa fil per randa. Semblava que en Gonza li havia explicat els rudiments de la dinàmica de pensament i encara que ella, possiblement, no hi creia, almenys respectava els que sí ho feien. Esperava la sacerdotessa a fora de l’habitació i li preguntava com estava en Koga. La Jabi la deixava entrar un cop al dia, recomanant-li un cop més de posar fre a la seva por.

– Com podré controlar-la? –es queixava– si no em dius si ell millora o no?

Feia tres dies que l’estava tractant i, tot i que la cosa semblava que evolucionava bé, encara eren massa les coses que podien fallar. Fins a restablir els principals fluxes d’energia, la Jabi no podia saber si ell se salvaria. Que el lligam entre ell i la Kaoru sigui tan intens, i que aquesta tingui continuament emocions negatives concentrades en ell, no feia altra cosa que desviar energia que en Koga necessitava per a la seva reparació. Alguna cosa caldrà fer. Dir-li la veritat. Nua.

– Mira, Kaoru, no és que tot depengui dels teus pensaments, perquè no és veritat. Però, cal que consideris que no el pots ajudar, que tot està en mans del destí i d’altres persones, i que no té cap sentit que et preocupis tant. El que hagi de passar, passarà. Si hi poses més càrrega, el que sigui dolent es precipitarà, i el que sigui bo s’endarrerirà. Així de simple. Però, es pot donar el cas que hi hagi l’oportunitat de salvar-lo i que, per culpa de l’endarreriment... ja m’entens.

Amb prou feines la Kaoru escoltà com la Jabi li aconsellava de distreure’s, rependre les seves activitats normals, que això l’ajudaria a controlar-se. Però sortí de la cambra enfurismada contra la sacerdotessa, contra el destí i contra ella mateixa. Es tancà a la que havia estat la seva cambra de soltera (ara, la sala de pintar) en a la que tornava a dormir a petició de la Jabi. Plorà fins que va quedar esgotada.

* * *

La Jabi feia l’impossible per restablir els conductes essencials d’energia, malgrat que el seu pacient només s’aguantava viu gràcies a que havia obert un passadís directe a la dimensió energètica, com si estigués endollat a una màquina d’hospital per mantenir-lo viu. Era una mesura desesperada. El potent fluxe que hi venia podria forçar el restabliment dels canals energètics perquè ella ja havia reconstruït els plexes vitals entre els que havien de funcionar, però també els podria fondre sense remei per sobrecàrrega.

A més, havia de vigilar continuament les lesions físiques que no reaccionaven bé al tractament degut a que el desgavell havia transformat en un caos els sistemes nerviós i endocrí, especialment complexes en la gent entrenada i iniciada en les disciplines Makai.

Quan per fi la Jabi va tenir assegurada la vida d’en Koga, la recuperació fou ràpida. Llavors, ella es va poder aturar detingudament a estudiar una extranya i intensa lluminositat de diferents tons de salmó que havia detectat a la seva aura.

- No és possible! –s’exclamà en veu baixa quan va començar a entreveure què significava.

Va enfonsar la mà en aquella zona d’aura per damunt entre els plexes solar i cardíac.

- Ja ho crec que sí –continuà parlant amb ella mateixa.- No sé per què em sorprèn.

És clar que ho sabia: perquè una cosa és que t’ho diguin, i una altra veure-ho tu mateix. Es mirà el seu inconscient amic amb admiració.

- Garo –mormolà. I el deixà descansar.

En sortir de la cambra la Kaoru, què esperava a fora, va entrar.

– Com està, avui?

– Continua pel bon camí. Li dóno un dia com a màxim abans no recuperi la consciència.

La cara de la jove mestressa s’il.luminà. Des que la Jabi li havia dit que en Koga se salvaria i que podia estar més temps amb ell, es mostrà més receptiva a la dictadura de la forastera. Li prengué una mà i la premé entre les seves en silenciós agraïment. Després la deixà anar i s’assegué a la capçalera del llit, agafà la mà d’ell, duent-se-la als llavis i la besà emocionada.

La Jabi se la mirà mig amb desconcert mig amb enveja. Malgrat no havia pogut fer-hi res, la Kaoru havia insistit en que la permetés romandre a la cambra, un cop i un altre, i fins que ella li havia recomanat que es distragués, semblava desesperada. Ocupar-se dels cursos de dibuix que impartia en una escola i de les seves pintures l’havia asserenada. La soprenia per la seva tossuderia. I l’envejava perquè havia aconseguit el cor d’en Koga.

Ell i la Jabi havien estat massa anys sense tenir contacte, era lògic que el sentiment que tenien quan van passar la primera iniciació Makai (després de la qual els seus destins els van separar) no hagués prosperat. Però, ella n’estava convençuda, si haguessin tingut l’oportunitat de mantenir-lo, en Koga no s’hauria tornat tan esquerp. Ella no havia perdut l’habilitat de fer-lo parlar, i sap que cada vegada que ho fan ell recorda la companyonia i l’afecte que havien compartit temps enrere. Per això ella també sap que el cor d’en Koga és ardent i intens, tot i que tancat i barrat. Que de tant en tant fugís una mica de llum o de calor a través del glaç, deixava entreveure la potència que hi havia al darrere. Tancat i barrat, però constant i fiable com un foc ben custodiat. Un diamant ocult per a qui tingui la paciència (i l’habilitat) de desenterrar-lo.

La Kaoru ho havia fet. Ell, que mai no es ficava en res i mai no havia estat la generositat personificada, des que està amb ella és disposat a tot per qualsevol persona que li importi encara que només sigui una mica, com si de cop i volta s’hagués obert una porta. En Koga s’expressa sempre a través de les seves accions, i en cadascuna hi posa tot el seu ésser. Foc pur.

dissabte, 21 de març del 2009

GARO Project (Actualització / Actualización / Update)

Substituïnt la fotografia del treball de Kyomoto Masaki, Anmitsu Hime, afegim aquest vídeo contenint imatges de la mateixa obra.

Substituyendo la fotografía del trabajo de Kyomoto Masaki, Anmitsu Hime, añadimos este video que contiene imágenes de la misma obra.

I replace the picture of the work by Kyomoto Masaki, Anmitsu Hime, and put this video containing images from the show.

GARO Project - Boku ga ai wo tsutaete yuku / 僕が愛を伝えてゆく (Update)

I have found the original videoclip by Kyomoto Masaki. Here:

dilluns, 16 de març del 2009

GARO Fanfic – Garo’s Secret (Chap. 1)

The amazed doctors in the emergency department wondered how could their patient remain alive. Horrific bites in his body took so much blood from him. It was difficult to refute the explanation by the men who called the ambulance: some kind of animal, three or four (or five) that were dispersed when our group approached, they said. Wild animals in the middle of the city? Perhaps the men in the ambulance had discarded such an explanation (the gang were drunken) but it seemed obvious that they had saved his life.

The man at issue had also lost a part of the scalp, as if anyone had plucked out a big bunch of hair. Who, or what, could have done such a thing? The doctors saw terrible blows that had caused a couple of fractures and God knows how many internal injuries. It was clear that this man, despite being twenty and few years old, had already lived very bad experiences: a lot of scars were being uncovered as they examined his body.

When a nurse was going to take a blood sample from him, the door of the cabin opened suddenly. A rare woman with a long black dress was at the threshold and took a quick look. Before anyone could tell her that the entrance was forbidden, they lost her from their sight. They never knew what happened: someone who received a push, a naked leg, something big and red (or it was black?) Devices projected out in all directions, a strong blast of air ... Everything was done with the same speed. The cabin was destroyed, and the medical staff was a bit crushed, but basically unharmed. They take a while to realize that they had lost their patient.

* * *

Kaoru returned home ready to scold Gonza hard. She almost became mad at the hospital when she was said that Kouga had gone astray. When she could be calm enough to decide to call the police, the phone rang, and she almost cried in relief as Gonza told that Kouga was carried at home. But her heart pounded quickly while she returned in a taxi. Who had took Kouga from the hospital? How? And, more importantly, why? He was seriously injured and needed urgent medical attentions!

“Gonza!” she called.

“Oh, milady, you’re here. Lord Kouga is in the right hands.”

“Whose hands?”

“A Makai priestess’.”

What? Makai Priests, as far as she knew, were the makers of the special objects used by Makai Knights, but they were not doctors. She ran towards the camera and opened the door wide. The unknown woman had her back to her and moved both her hands about ten centimetres above Kouga’s body.

“If you want to enter, close the door,” the woman said firmly, neither looking at her nor stopping her work.

Kaoru felt angry, but obeyed.

“What are you doing at him?”

The stranger ignored her. Kaoru’s instinct shouted to stop her to prevent him to get more damage but, somehow, she was able to contain herself. She got closer to the other woman, and then she was able to recognize her. She did not know her name, but she remembered that she was left in her charge by Kouga when he was still enemy of Rei Suzumura. That one was a part of the gang that had tried to kill her, and Kaoru could not trust her.

“What are you doing at him?” she insisted, now strongerly.


“Why have you brought him from the hospital?”

“Because those doctors have no a chance to save him,” that woman answered as she grabbed a metal thing, perhaps a tool, inlaid with crystals of different colors, and moving it as she did with her hands before. A green crystal brightened once.

“And you have?”

“Questions afterwards. Kouga has no more time to spend”.

Kaoru surrendered before such a truth, and obeyed, but she did not left until the priestess had finished her scan. She saw the visitor looking into his unanimated eyes, and then closed her own for a while, as Kouga’s body made some few involuntary moves. She opened them and looked at her.

“Your name is Kaoru, right? Kaoru, if you are unable to control your fear, for the Kouga’s sake you should remain away from this room as long as possible. I’d spend too much time and too much energy trying to balance the influence of your suffering. Do not forget, it's a weaken emotion”.

“ What...? You’re not serious, are you?”

Her agitation increased as the priestess just looked back at her, unpity. Kaoru was rooted there. What a law prevented her from seeing Kouga, specially if he most needed her! Gonza accompained her out, with some resistence by her.

No one allowed her to defend her rights.

The good Gonza allowed her to cry on his chest.

divendres, 13 de març del 2009

GARO Fanfic – El secret de Garo (cap. 1)

Els astorats metges del servei d’urgències es preguntaven com era possible que el pacient continués viu. Amb les horribles mossegades que presentava el seu cos, havia perdut molta sang. Era difícil rebatre l’explicació dels individus que havien cridat l’ambulància: alguna mena d’animals, tres o quatre (o cinc), que es van dispersar quan el nostre grup s’hi va apropar, digueren. Animals salvatges al mig de la ciutat? Els de l’ambulància ho havien descartat ja d’entrada, donat l’estat d’embriaguesa de la colla que el va trobar, però semblava evident que havien li salvat la vida.

L’individu en qüestió també havia perdut una part del cuir cabellut, com si li haguessin arrencat manyocs sencers de cabell. Qui, o què, podia haver fet una cosa així? Van veure cops terribles que li havien provocat un parell de fractures i Déu sap quantes lesions internes. A més, era clar que l’home, tot i els seus vint-i-pocs anys, ja n’havia vist de tots colors abans, donades les cicatrius que anaven descobrint a mesura que li examinaven el cos.

Quan la infermera es disposava a agafar-li una mostra de sang, la porta de la cabina s’obrí de sobte. Una dona amb un extrany vestit llarg negre era al llindar i va fer una mirada ràpida a la cambra. Abans que ningú pogués dir-li que no s’hi podia entrar la van perdre de vista. Mai no van saber què havia passat: algú que va rebre una empenta, una cama nua, alguna cosa gran de color vermell (o era negra?) els aparells que sortien projectats en totes direccions, un fort corrent d’aire... Tot es va acabat amb la mateixa rapidesa. La cabina estava feta una pena, i el personal mèdic una mica masegat, però il.lès. Van trigar una mica en adonar-se que el pacient els havia desaparegut.

* * *

La Kaoru va tornar a casa decidida a esbroncar en Gonza de valent. Quasi havia embogit quan a l’hospital li havien dit que en Koga s’havia esfumat a la vista de tothom. Quan va poder calmar-se prou per decidir trucar la policia, el telèfon li va sonar, i quasi va plorar d’alleugeriment en dir-li en Gonza que portaven en Koga cap a casa. Però el cor se li va tornar a disparar mentre agafava un taxi. Qui s’havia endut en Koga de l’hospital? Com? I, més important, per què? Era molt malferit i necessitava atenció mèdica urgent!

– Gonza! –va cridar.

– Ah, senyoreta, ja és aquí. El senyor està en bones mans, no pateixi.

– En mans de qui?

– D’una sacerdotessa Makai.

Com? Els sacerdots Makai, pel que ella sabia, feien els especials objectes que usaven els cavallers Makai, però no eren metges. Va córrer cap a la cambra i obrí la porta de bat a bat. La desconeguda estava d’esquena a ella i movia ambdues mans a uns deu centímetres per sobre del cos d’en Koga.

– Si has d’entrar tanca la porta –va dir la desconeguda amb fermesa, sense mirar-la ni deixar la seva tasca.

La Kaoru es va enutjar, però va obeir.

– Què li fas?

La forastera va ignorar-la. L’instint cridava la Kaoru a interrompre-la per impedir-li fer-li més mal a ell però, d’alguna manera, es va poder contenir. Gràcies a això es va situar més a prop d’ella i la va reconèixer. No sabia el seu nom, però recordava que en Koga l’havia deixat al seu càrrec quan encara eren enemics amb en Rei. Formava part de la quadrilla que havia volgut matar-la. No se’n refiava.

– Què li fas? –va insistir, ara més fort.

– Diagnostico.

– Per què te l’has endut de l’hospital?

– Perquè els metges d’allà no tenen cap possibilitat de salvar-lo –continuà responent, agafant un instrument metàl.lic, amb incrustacions de cristalls de diferents colors, i passant-lo per on abans hi havia mogut les mans. Un cristall verd brillà un cop.

– I tu sí?

– Les preguntes després. En Koga no té més temps a perdre.

La Kaoru es va plegar davant d’aquesta veritat i va obeir, però no se’n va apartar fins que la sacerdotessa va haver acabat la seva exploració. La va veure mirar endins dels inanimats ulls d’ell, i es va quedar quieta amb els seus propis tancats una estona, durant la qual en Koga va fer un parell de moviments involuntaris. Va obrir-los i la va mirar.

– El teu nom és Kaoru, oi? Kaoru, si no ets capaç de dominar la teva por, pel bé d’en Koga hauries de romandre allunyada d’aquesta habitació tant de temps com sigui possible. Malgastaré massa temps i massa energia procurant contrarrestar la influència del teu patiment què, no ho oblidis, és una emoció afeblidora.

– Com...? No parles seriosament...

El seu esverament es va incrementar quan va veure que la sacerdotessa es limitava a fitar-la, immisericorde. La Kaoru es va quedar clavada allà on era. Amb quin dret li impedia de veure en Koga, quan més la necessitava! En Gonza acudí i l’acompanyà enfora, no sense alguna resistència.

Ningú no li donava suport per defensar el que era el seu dret.

El bon home acollí el seu inevitable plor al seu pit.

dijous, 5 de març del 2009

GARO Project - Boku ga ai wo tsutaete yuku / 僕が愛を伝えてゆく

Updated: March 21st, 2009.

The original song was sung by its author, Kyomoto Masaki. It is the first ending of the show, from chapters 1st to 13th. This is the TV version.

Now, the original video of this song by Kyomoto Masaki:

Garo Project performed another version. It was heard as the ending of chapter 22th. Below, a video with its full version. It shows scenes from Garo and from recording.


流れ落ちる涙 抑えきれずに
君は素顔の弱さを 初めて見せた
置き去りのままの 心を溶かして
君を閉じ込めていた 扉が壊れてゆく

切ない過ちに 傷ついたまま
許すことさえできずに ずっと一人きり
今は荒れ果てた 景色の中で
明日の姿は 何も映らないかも しれないけど

悲しみは いつか 消せるはず
僕があきらめず 愛を伝えてく
すべてをなくした心が もう一度
夢をみることが できるように

崩れ落ちる身体 抱きとめるから
君は素顔のまんまで 力を抜けよ
過ぎ去った時間は もう戻らない
頬を伝う涙は 微笑みに変わるから

グレーに煙る空に キスを浮かべて 君を感じていたいよ
ずっと このまま 夢の続きを捜してゆこう
一つの夜が 静かに過ぎても ずっと そばにいる

悲しみは いつか 消せるはず
僕があきらめず 愛を伝えてく
すべてをなくした心が もう一度
夢をみることが できるように

悲しみは いつか 消せるはず
僕があきらめず 愛を伝えてく
すべてをなくした心が もう一度
夢をみることが できるように


Transcription (I do not know who dit it):

Nagare ochiru namida osae kirezu ni
kimi wa sugao no yowasa o hajimete miseta
okizari no mama no kokoro o tokashite
kimi o tojikometeita tobira ga kowarete yuku.

Setsunai ayamachi ni kizutsuita mama
yurusu koto sae dekizu ni zutto hitori kiri
ima wa arehateta keshiki no naka de
ashita no sugata wa nani mo utsuranai kamo shirenai kedo.

Kanashimi wa itsuka keseru hazu
boku ga akiramezu ai o tsutaeteku
subete o nakushita kokoro ga mou ichido
yume o miru koto ga dekiru youni
boku ga ai o tsutaete yuku.

Kuzure ochiru karada dakitomeru kara
kimi wa sugao no man made chikara o nuke yo
sugisatta jikan wa mou modoranai
hoho o tsutau namida wa hooemi ni kawaru kara.

Guree ni kemuru sora ni kisu o ukabete kimi o kanjiteitai yo
zutto konomama yume no tsuzuki o sagashite yukou
hitotsu no yoru ga shizuka ni sugite mo zutto soba ni iru.

Kanashimi wa itsuka keseru hazu
boku ga akiramezu ai o tsutaeteku
subete o nakushita kokoro ga mou ichido
yume o miru koto ga dekiru youni
boku ga ai o tsutaete yuku.

Kanashimi wa itsuka keseru hazu
boku ga akiramezu ai o tsutaeteku
subete o nakushita kokoro ga mou ichido
yume o miru koto ga dekiru youni
boku ga ai o tsutaete yuku.
Boku ga ai o tsutaete yuku.

Translation into English (I do not know who did it):

Unable to hold back your tears,
for the first time, you show me how vulnerable you are
As your heart melts,
the walls you shut yourself within crumble away.

I am here all alone, still hurting,
unable to forgive myself for that bitter mistake
The present is like a scene of disarray,
a scene where I can't envision what tomorrow will be.

Someday there will be an end to this sorrow,
I will never stop loving you (loving you)
So that you may dream once again
in spite of losing everything
I'll keep on loving you,
I'll keep on loving you.

Stay the way you are right now,
Should you fall upon your knees, I will be there to catch you
Time that has passed will never return
The tears that stream down your cheeks shall give way to a smile.

I send a kiss up the gray sky
I want to feel you, stay this way forever
Let us discover the rest of this dream
Even if the night passes in silence, I'll always be by your side.

Someday there will be an end to this sorrow,
I will never stop loving you (loving you)
So that you may dream once again
in spite of losing everything
I'll keep on loving you.

Someday there will be an end to this sorrow,
I will never stop loving you (loving you)
So that you may dream once again
in spite of losing everything
I'll keep on loving you,
I'll keep on loving you.